26 February 2012

Oh right... I have a blog.

For anyone who read this blog at any regular interval, I apologize for the extreme lack of content for the past several months.  Something that happens to teachers (me, at least) is that we have grand plans over the summer as to what our lives can be like during the school year: I am going to read, blog, and make dinner every day.  At some point, the honeymoon of summer wears off, you haven't read anything that you are not also grading, you forgot you ever created a blog, and you are eating take-out from Qdoba. 

I am being dramatic, but as I tell my husband, no one knows the difference and it always makes the story better. 

In truth, I haven't been writing much at all for myself since the start of the school year.  I didn't realize how  much I missed it until I got together with some of my Greater Madison Writing Project peeps a few weeks ago.  We caught up, reminisced about the summer, and wrote together with a prompt from Lynda Barry's book What It Is
I left our get together bought my own copy of Barry's book (I recommend that you do too) and made a list of all the events, ideas, questions, growing pains I wish I had written about in a timely fashion this year.  So, better late than never, perhaps, I am going to go back and share some of the happenings of my year with you. 

I look forward to reflecting as well as catching up.  Thanks for reading. 

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