21 June 2011


In recognition of the summer solstice today, I went to a yoga class that celebrated the transition to summer. Many who practice yoga complete 108 traditional sun salutations on both the summer and winter solstice. I did 12 salutes in class, which will have to do for now. Someday, I hope to be one of the many yogis on the banks of the Ganges completing the 108 salutations, but that will be another solstice, another year.

As my summer begins, I thought I would report a little bit about what I will be doing and what (if you continue reading :) will be happening on my blog. For the past several years, including this year, I have been teaching an ACT prep class for the University of Wisconsin - Madison, PEOPLE Program. I just finished my second day of class and was happy that I remembered all of my students names. Teaching this class always challenges me to think about the nature of such high-stakes tests in a new way. More insights to come on this.

As ACT Prep comes to an end, I will be participating in the first summer institute of the Greater Madison Writing Project. I am so honored and excited to be a part of this organization; I know that my head will be exploding with ideas, questions, inquiries and plans throughout the entire experience. The GWMP summer institute will take up most of my July, but I get to go to school for free, which for me, is one of the best things ever.

My final teaching related summer endeavor will be participation in a class called "Lakefronts and Backstories" put together by the Wisconsin Teachers of Local Culture. A friend and colleague of mine recommended this class and I am currently very interested in placed-based learning opportunities.

When I started this blog, I thought I may have made a mistake starting a blog about teaching at the end of the school year. While I will make lots of time for relaxing, reading, yoga, dog walking and napping, I am excited to have such amazing teaching and learning experiences ahead of me this summer.

In yoga, the heart is known as the inner sun; so on our longest day of sunshine, I wish you both a light heart and a happy summer.

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